About Peter

Much like you, I grew up in circumstance. I became overweight as a kid while playing as a goalie in soccer. I became slender as a teen playing basketball.

Regardless of these circumstances, I never become the one thing that I found myself desiring the most... strong.

In 2010, in anticipation of joining the Australian Defence Force I began training, running around the suburbs, performing calisthenics at the local park and lifting rusty weights on the grass in my backyard. I would do pull ups off the sporting posts at school and sit ups in the music room at lunch. With this training under my belt I joined my first gym, it still did not prevent the failure of a defining moment in most young boys training life, the illustrious 60kg bench press. That moment was quickly spoiled when the bar hit my chest, yet didn't budge when I pushed back, before being saved from an older teen nearby.

My first gym taught me a lot, most importantly, it taught me what I didn't want to be.
I didn't want to be as weak as I felt under that bar.
I didn't want to be smart without being strong by practicing my craft.
I didn't want to be professional without aspiring to be the best coach I could be.

That spurred the beginning of my journey to become the best coach I could be and that ideal has developed throughout my time learning everything I could get my hands on.

My passion and obsession for strength training has lead me to powerlifting in all its aspects, from the coaching aspects that cover programming, technique and lifter development, to building a community of lifters through coaching at local competitions and directing novice competitions to help lifters find their love for this sport.

As a coach I strive to build my lifters up, by understanding where they are on their lifting journey, create and adapt their individual training process and provide the support they need to achieve success in their journey.

About You

Perhaps you can can relate?

Has there been a time when you desired to be stronger?

A time when you feel that regardless of your efforts, your circumstances seem to have the upper hand?

You may not know it now, but your circumstance does not have to stop your desire to feel strong.

What could you achieve with the correct guidance, with others who have walked the same path you are on.

If you knew what you needed to do, the work that would create the reality which you have desired all this time.

This desire looks different for each person who aspires to be more and is willing to put in the work to achieve it.

We all have our own 60kg bench press, I hope to help you with yours!

About Ascend

Ascend has adapted through the years as I have developed as a strength coach.

We aim to provide a community and the opportunities for lifters to grow together through their pursuit of strength, in whatever way that looks like for the individual.

We set the intent by defining your goals and the path we will walk.

We strive to adapt to the path as our journey becomes more clear.

We aspire for mastery in all that we do so we can support those around us on their journey and together we will Ascend.